First, lemme tell you it was hard work! You have to do a lot of little things like
- tape over the hinges so you don't paint them

I also painted the inside white (again unnecessary - who's gonna look inside?) and as you can see one coat of white is not enough.

Husband also helped me to re-hinge the two glass doors that the carpenter did a shoddy job of - they didn't even meet at the right point, at first.
After painting the whole cupboard white, here are the curvy legs mentioned earlier, with no character.

Then I used sandpaper to distress it. See how they look more vintage now? Oo la la...

Then I painted wood wax over the cupboard in strategic places while wiping it off immediately with a cloth (just like the DIY bloggers told me to - such obedience)

Whichever way, my Mum is gonna say, "Why would you strip paint off the cupboard that was old and dirty and re-paint it to look old and dirty?"
It's ok. She's 78.
More work. The original knobs were missing. I didn't like the colour of the hardware knobs I'd bought (they looked too 'new'), so I just stained them with the same wood stain I had...(right pic is after staining)

Look at the beautiful knobs now...

Or have all books in almost the same if not the same size?

It's just not real. So I wanted to cover the glass with curtains cos I didn't want the books to be seen.
Here's the before and after.
The terrible BEFORE

The Terrific AFTER!

I was so pleased with it, that I kept turning to admire it during every commercial break while watching American Idol (and trust me, nobody gets my attention when I'm watching American Idol)
BEFORE - One-eyed Jack.

AFTER - Lady Victoria (yes, I named her cos I get personal like that)

And yes, my husband will be very pleased to hear me say he was right to bring the before home.
What do you think about my sandpapered vintage beauty? and I'm not talking about me.