Thursday, February 10, 2011

And Here's Part 2 of How to Find Your Life Partner

This post is otherwise titled, "A bird's eyeview of bird idioms and sayings".

In my previous post, I gave a few pointers on how to find your life partner . Really, for
a rare number
some of you, it seems like you're surrounded by so many potential ones. It's like they come to you like a duck takes to water!

But for others, it seems like you're hitting a wall in this area.

And maybe you feel like you've been left out of the action altogether.

You wish you could have just one, just one, eating out of your hands. And you wrongly think that that will make you happy as a lark.

(OK, that guy looks as happy as a lark but that's not the point I'm trying to make here)

Before you start having thoughts like:

a. but...but...the early bird catches the worm!
b. and..and...a bird in hand is worth two in the bush!
c. and I shouldn't be picky cos what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander! or worse,
. lady, I ain't no spring chicken!

Here are some more things you may want to consider:

1. Be very suspicious cautious of who you date. Watch him/her like a hawk!

(Ok, so that's not a hawk but I like the way he's watching you)

Watch out for the fancy talkers, those who give their sales pitches - time will tell if they deliver.

2. Please! - learn some body language skills. Here are just two examples.

a. - do they have a glint in their eye?

b. - are they hiding behind a mask?

3. What kind of friends do they hang out with? You know how
they say birds of a feather flock together, right?

4. Watch out for the boastful ones, the show-offs. After all, a peacock has fair feathers but fowl (foul?) feet.

5. On the other hand, do not think that if they dare not look you in the eye, or if they're quiet and don't say much, that they're




They could be just... shy, you know?

I kinda like those a little shy, the kind who'd blush easily...

(and this is where you go, "awwwwwww.....")

It makes them more....


....edible readable.

OR maybe they're not shy! Maybe, just maybe, they're


"A wise old owl sat on an oak; The more he saw the less he spoke; The less he spoke the more he heard; Why aren't we like that wise old bird?" - Edward Hersey Richards

6. Really, does it matter if they're ugly plain?

Well, does it?

7. Personally, I'd be wary of the regal-looking ones. The ones that drive flashy cars and are dressed to the T (for all you know, they may only be the chauffeur of some Big Shot who gets to use the car inbetween trips for abovementioned Big Shot)....

... I'd be afraid of those who are so groomed, y'know, every strand of feather hair in place - lest they have deep insecurites. Or, OCD tendencies ("You're so vain - you probably think this song is about you, don't you, don't you?")

(and why are your eyes red anyway? wait-a-minute-are-you-drunk?)

8. Maybe you'd even want to avoid those who have nicer hairdos than yours? (I would -_- sheesh!)

9. Do not, I repeat, do not, go near those who try to play footsie with you!

Immediately show them the door out!

9. Do look for someone with a good head on his shoulders. And his feet on the ground.

I know. Finding that life partner is beginning to sound scarcer than a hen's teeth, right?

But would you rather a short-term, fly-by-night relationship only to find after some time, he/she has flown the coop?

And even if the fish got away (oops...I'd better stick to bird idioms), please remember that just one swallow does not make a summer.

In summary (cos I'm a stickler for order):

1. Be cautious who you date

2. Learn some body language

3. Who are their friends?

4. Watch out for the show-offs

5. Why are they quiet? shy? wise? dumb?

6. How much do looks matter to you?

7. Are they too flashy?

8. Look at their hairdo (!)

9. Do they try to get physical

10. Are they down-to-earth?

Photos were taken at the Kuala Lumpur Bird Park, Malaysia, and the Jurong Bird Park, Singapore, some by the writer (and her lousy camera) and some by the writer's daughter (with the borrowed fancyschmancy camera).

This post was brought to you free-of charge, so leave a comment if you found it awesome
ribtickling interesting. The writer will try to reply each one after your comment.

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  1. Val .. your lecture on Finding a Life Partner 911 (Parts 1 & 2) is really entertaining ... never thought you would use those photos so figuratively ... and now after going through your notes about it ... no wonder I am where I am ... O_O

  2. Huda, hahahahahahahah! you are funny. you know i'm not dead-serious and just having fun.

  3. Aunty Val, I just love these 2 posts! the photos are hilarious. you're quite the relationship guru. and i'm glad that uncle paul showed the flirty bird out the door. ;)

  4. wyeyi, a relationship guru! now THAT'S hilarious, goodness me. thanks, wyeyi. have you signed up as a follower yet?

  5. Funny! Wow, these are amazing photos, my fave is the ostrich. Your photos make me want to visit the bird parks :)

  6. Allycat, do go! just don't take your cats along... :)

  7. A relationship guru or you can be a match maker..heheh ;p I wish your kids all the best of luck! this momma will make one hell of a monster MIL! hahahah!

  8. Love your 2 posts on the life partner. =)

  9. Mummy Hunny, you bet your bottom dollar! oh dear....

    Brenda - thanks! =)

  10. Val...Val... I'm in fine feather & I really enjoyed your piece! You're as happy as a lark and your writings show that you are as wise as an owl!
    Birds in their little nests agree that you have a good bird's eye view on relationships. Keep on writing - you are a rare bird, indeed! kudos! can't wait for Part 3!

  11. PattieBoo, HEY! no Part 3! Just these 2 posts had me walking on eggshells cos I know I'll likely be ruffling up some feathers! And don't be deceived, I'm not as happy as a lark, I write to relieve STRESS!!

  12. from facebook, 12th Feb 2011

    Rogayah Abdullah Funny and i love the way the photos seem to tally with the words.. good job girl.

    Pam Hendroff - only Thelma would comment with a rhyme..
    me, i have no reason!!
    But i sure enjoyed your walk through the park, Val!
    oh... and i enjoyed walking with you too! heh heh heh...

    Yay, I get a thumbs up from Rogayah and Pamela....WHEN are we meeting? we can talk about..the bees :))

  13. Love your writing style. :)

  14. she is down to earth n suites me well cause the two of us are crazy for Jesus, no mask is included, not boastful! we first prayed bout it for long b4 we talked n its kind of till mdeath do us apart!! Thank God 4 u being part of ma search
    I found my angel!!

    This is powerul stuff! revelation ryt there!!! thumbs up!

  15. bizokmats, you are SO IN TROUBLE for not telling me what's going on....i'm calling you RIGHT NOW!! whatever happened to SPEED KILLS?

  16. Hilarious, and SO true!

    The pics are perfect, too :)


  17. Laura, yes. Love the pictures. The tips are free-of-charge but I wonder how many will heed them! hahaha!

  18. aunty!! i love the pics and how u put it all together.. very naiiiccceeeee... :)
    can't stop laughing at the parrots tho... hahahahahaha

  19. GaBY! Where have you been in blogland? like haven't heard from you for so which parrot making you laugh? the blushing one?

  20. from gmail, Chiang Siew Lee, 22nd Feb 2011:

    Loved your "bird" story. Will wait for your follow-up on the bee. Keep writing and keep us entertained.

    Siew Lee, I don't know if there's an apiary anywhere near me where I can take bee shots!

  21. Have anyone actually read what it said... ya ya the bird are beautiful and all but the message---simple yet profound!

  22. Raymond Ray - wow! thank you! so honoured that you are actually reading the message and not just skimming over the pictures.

  23. This was so funny! I laughed all the way through it (those pictures are great) but you are SO right! And if they spend more time in front of the mirror than you do, watch out! High maintenance! I dated a guy who was so into his body - what he ate, wore, all the best work out equipment and how much he worked out, mirrors everywhre; he was unbelievably vain in the end! Loved this post - thanks for visiting me today, too!

  24. LBDDiaries - I laughed while writing it,too! Is that strange? oh well. what if it is.

  25. Yo LBD Diaries... i know a girl who's just like that too... MAn, everyday, she would upload new pictures of herself posing .... And all of it are just pictures of herself... she's pretty and all but awhhh--- she's all about herself... scary...

  26. I'm baaaack. Val sent me back here to read RR's reply. I so agree - when it is all about themselves, they become one dimensional and boring. "I am so wonderful, look at me, aren't I great, blah blah blah me me me!" Life should be lived outwardly, too - focusing on and helping others! Glad to meet you guys!

  27. LBD Diaries - that's cos I'm not sure what to do with people who comment, holding a conversation with one another - but go ahead. RR - you have mail!

  28. Like I said earlier (similarly to what Ms Chiang Siew Lee wrote) - am now waiting patiently for Part 3 (..Bees? No, no...stick to birds - you haven't included any 'turkeys' yet)... lol! [Per chance you may want to send in an article to the CPR Loop...please?] ♥ ♥

  29. pattieboo, ooooo, those hearts are, I didn't write about turkeys because they're too common birds around me - I know too many of them... ;)
